Strategic Planning





The church is the only institution established by the Lord Jesus Christ to fulfil the Great Commission as in Matt 28:18-20. Like an organization, the church cannot exist in a vacuum and it is important to understand the environment in order to achieve competitive advantage necessary to continue to win more souls to the Kingdom of God while also making sure that its structures support the members to grow spiritually, economically, socially, physically and emotionally.

Forces outside the institution’s walls clearly have considerable bearing on that which transpires within. The external environment can provide both facilitating and inhibiting influences on the performance of the church. Multiple influences in the immediate or proximal environment form the boundaries within which an organization is able to function; these influences likewise shape how the church organization defines itself and how it articulates what is good and appropriate to realize its mission here on Earth.


As mentioned above the church cannot do without a strategic plan because it’s the document that informs it where it’s destined to, it’s a means to the direction of the mission and a strategy is a way towards reaching or attaining the outcomes of the church.

JOE ministries has been in operation for several years and the growth of the ministry has necessitated the development of this strategic plan. The task of developing the strategic is seen as a step towards improving the growth and expansion of JOE MINISTRIES.

The Bishop of JOE MINISTRIES prompted the drafting of this document. Under his leadership the church board established a technical team to coordinate the development of the plan. The technical comprised of expertise who are members of the church. And because of using the internal capacity the technical team used their knowledge and history of the church, consulted pastors and church leaders of the church, youth and other members of church so as to collect data. Key informant interviews, desk top reviews and focus group discussions were the methods used to gather data which will then be summarised in terms of SWOT analysis.

A SWOT Analysis was done and it was subjected to the church board so that they can validate the findings and own the report. SWOT indicates which areas require much emphasis and effort needs to be placed and which areas need change and development.


Key dimensions of the environment that bear on the Church as an institution include:

  • administrative/legal factors,
  • technological
  • political
  • economic
  • and social and cultural contexts,


Joint Outreach Evangelism Ministries is an evangelical ministry that was started through the vision of one man, Bishop George Odhiambo in 1989 in Busia town. What began as one vision given to him by God gas grown to be a ministry that is impacting western Kenya.


JOEMINISTRIES is regionally and globally positioned to impact the world in far reaching proportions and as such it has developed visions statement and  mission statement as well core values that shall redefine the ministry’s future. This millennium has numerous challenges and opportunities that require the church to be in a better perspective so as to be competitive and overcome the forces of darkness that serve to draw it back.

3.1.1 VISION

  • To know Jesus Christ and to make him known to the world.


  • To open the eyes and to turn the world from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith in Christ Jesus.
  • To teach, train and to equip the body of Christ with the word of faith so that the believers can live productive Christina lives

3.1.3 MOTTO

  • What the world needs now is Jesus
  • Preaching the gospel of Jesus without compromise



  • Commitment to Jesus Christ and to the body of Christ
  • Openness to the Holy Spirit
  • Transparency and accountability
  • Integrity
  • Dignity
  • Teamwork
  • Excellence
  • Equity and fairness
  • Stewardship
  • Sensitivity to the needs of the world



The structure of the church has the Bishop as the head of the ministry and supported by the board. Please see here below the complete organizations structure is as below:

5.0 SWOT


  • Dependence on the word of God
  • The crusades and evangelistic missions by the Bishop
  • The church has good public address system
  • Church plays a key role in guiding the flock
  • The church is centrally located and diversified
  • The congregation of JOE ministries is composed of people of diverse back ground and tribes
  • Most of the members are energetic youth and children and are a formidable force for the future
  • Geographical positioning offers JOE ministries a chance for rapid expansion


  • Spiritual bondages from the ancestral lineage and curses
  • Poor capacity of the church leaders
  • Low revenue collection from the churches
  • Inadequate guidance and counselling in the churches
  • Weak leadership structures
  • Inadequate Training of pastors and other leaders
  • Some churches have broken down due to poor leadership and unwarranted wrangles
  • Few Bibles study lessons
  • Inadequate home bible schools
  • Commitment to prayer and fasting inadequate to most members
  • Evangelism in some churches weak
  • No work plans, visions, for churches
  • Lack of office space for pastors
  • Inadequate training for Pastors and church leaders
  • Poor media and radio and TV
  • No schools, colleges to train children and youth
  • No saving scheme for members
  • Inadequate public address systems
  • Inadequate structures to raise money and other financial resources to support the work



  • Define and refine the church constitution, vision and mission
  • Church has an national and international linkages
  • The unreached and religious world that needs the truth
  • Busia and western Kenya has a strategic location as gateway to Uganda, Rwanda and the heart of Africa for ministry
  • Many credit facilities to borrow and start business for members within Busia town and other towns
  • Population growth in the urban centres
  • Large youth population, more than 60% of the population are youth and children
  • Link up with other universities and schools
  • Setting up schools and colleges within all regions where JOE has opened branches


  • Church break ups
  • Weak pastoral remunerations or lack of it altogether
  • Poor accountability by the pastors
  • The Islamic spread in the region
  • High Poverty among the members
  • Most Church leaders untrained on church management
  • Incomplete structures in most churches
  • The youth in the church not actively in ministry
  • Tribalism as witnessed during the post election violence
  • Hatred among some church leaders
  • Children ministry un developed




The strategic direction is developed based on the SWOT analysis conducted as above. A logical framework that links up the intended results and activities will be developed.

The pillars of JOE ministries shall be as follows:

  1. Prayer-
    1. Commitment to prayer and fasting
    2. Prayer conferences
    3. Chain fasting and prayer
    4. Each member to have dedicated day to pray in a week
    5. Dedicated ministry day of fasting and prayer in a month
    6. Commitment to prayer by all members
    7. Prayer centre in each region –


  1. The word and discipleship
    1. Church planting
    2. Crusades, door to door
    3. Revival meetings,
    4. Revival Sundays,
    5. Seminars
    6. Home Bible/Cell groups
    7. Bible study classes
    8. Certification classes, school of ministry


  1. Governance and leadership
    1. Core values of JOE ministries
    2. Appointment of pastors
    3. Quarterly pastors and leaders meeting and prayer
    4. Training of church leaders
    5. Establishing of leadership structures
    6. School of Ministry and Theological college
    7. Leadership Retreats
    8. Ordination of pastors, elders, and other church leaders
  2. Family
    1. Weddings
    2. Couples seminars
    3. Couples retreat
    4. Foster care home for the orphans
    5. Counselling desk
  3. Education
    1. ECD Schools
    2. Primary and secondary schools
    3. College / University
    4. Scholarship program
    5. Hospital
    6. Vocation school
  4. Media-
    1. Radio programs
    2. Radio and TV Stations
    3. Joe Ministries production studio
    4. TV ministries,
    5. Monthly and quarterly magazines
    6. Writing of books,
    7. Printing of calendars,
    8. Printing of pamphlets and posters and handbills
    9. T-shirts
    10. Equipment
    11. Resource centre and library
  5. Business and investment
    1. Registration of development wing of the church
    2. Resource mobilization campaigns such fundraising
    3. Tithes and offerings
    4. JOE SACCO
    5. Network with donors
  6. Children
    1. Children Vocation and Bible study
    2. Children crusades
    3. Children Sundays
    4. Sunday schools
    5. Children talents days
    6. Children dedication days
    7. Children curriculum and literature
    8. Children films
    9. Games and sports for children
  7. Youth
    1. Youth camps
    2. Youth crusades
    3. Games and sports
    4. Talents
    5. Praise and worship
    6. Youth prayer and fasting
  8. Men and women fellowship
    1. Seminars for singles
    2. Men’s fellowships
    3. Women Fire ministry
    4. Couples seminars
    5. Family workshops







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